
Monday, March 30, 2015

5 Lines of Tape

Jumping backwards

Love this website and all the great ideals to do with your little ones! Check out all the fun and learning you can have with 5 lines of tape!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Reading Aloud at Home

Image result for Kids reading with adult
The top reason children say they enjoy being read aloud to is that it's special time with their parents! Not only does it help develop language and vocabulary skills, but kids LOVE it!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Put down the flash cards and play!

Love this article on building STEM skills in our young kiddos. People tend to forget the power of play. Children are forming and testing theories while they play all the time!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Food Sensitivity

Image result for infant intestinal bacteria

I have been doing a lot of investigating into food sensitivity and how it can effect us in many ways, especially our children with behavioral difficulties. Below is a great article looking at the link between infants gut bacteria and the future development of allergies and asthma. It's a good read!