
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

No Mess Color Bags

This is a fun way to explore color mixing, while enjoying finger painting with no mess! What's better then a no-mess painting activity? My teaching assistant brought this activity to my classroom and the kids LOVED it! Have fun!

*Freezer Bags
*Set of tempera paints

Add what ever colors you want to the bag, seal up tight, and tape to the table! Have some color mixing fun! It is also a great fun way to work on writing letter!

A little reminder....

And some cool new colors to create.....

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dot, Dot, Not A Lot

Don’t Smear it, Don’t taste it, Don’t wear it, and Don’t waste it!

The creativity and mess a youngster can make with glue is amazing! A really hard concept for kids is that it does not take a lot of glue to make things stick! To a kid nothing beats grabbing that glue bottle and squeezing away. This activity will work on teaching our kiddos that a little dot holds a lot!


·         Worksheet Printout

·         Bottle of Glue

·         Optional- Paint or food coloring to color the glue

This is a fun book about a little boy who LOVES glue and the mess it makes!
What to do after……..

Make some textured name cards or work on making glue lines!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Welcome to the Activity Blog!

Welcome to our Activity Blog. You will find fun, educational activities to do at home with your children. Our activities focus on all areas of development. Let me introduce myself and the two boys you will be seeing quite a lot of throughout this blog! My name is Mary Cliff. I am the owner of Bridges Early Learning Specialist LLC and have been teaching early childhood education for 11 years. I graduated from the University of Arizona with a B.S. in Special Education and Rehabilitation and from Northern Arizona University with a M.ED in Early Childhood Education.  My two boys, Cooper (5) and Carter (4) are my inspiration in life. As an early childhood special education teacher and mother of two young children, I realized how hard it is for families to get proper, quality services for their young children and are constantly looking for activities to do at home to keep their little ones busy and learning. This website was carefully designed to be a resource for you and your family, to get the understanding and support you need to help your child be the most successful they can be and provide them the best start to learning. Enjoy our learning activities and most important have fun together! Happy learning!